Friday, 20 August 2010

New vegetable articles

We have added two more articles to the navigation menu, for two new crops for us this year. We have been impressed with both Chard and Endives, and they have become "must-haves" for next years growing on the allotment.

It is still not too late to grow either crop if you wish to experiment, and the Italian seeds from Francchi come recommended.


  1. Dear Malcolm,
    Couldn't agree more ref Swiss Chard / Perpetual Spinach.
    Always there for cut & come again if all else fails.
    Tried the 'Laurel Leaf' brew (with modification to the preparation) on a greenfly attack in one greenhouse, & whitefly on winter cabbages.
    Martin, Droitwich.

  2. Hi Martin,

    I think that I prefer the taste of Chard to that of spinach, it doesn't rank as second best in our house!

    I am looking at the "Laurel leaf" brew, and it is pleasing that you are finding it is effective as well. I want to be ready for that pesky blackfly next spring on my broad beans!

  3. Thanks Malcolm,
    Will send the 'preparation modification' to your Canna g-mail address as it might be a bit long winded for a 'Comment'.
    Martin, Droitwich.
